Friday, January 4, 2013

First attempt...

I have finally decided to sit down and give this whole blogging thing a try. I have wanted to give it a shot for a while now, but just never could come up with anything interesting enough that others would want to waste their time reading. I figured that I should make it about something that I love. With that in mind, and even though I love them, I wouldn't ever write about my family. Trust me there is plenty to write about. From crack head siblings in prison to crazy uncles I have all the bases covered. Aside from family there are three things that I love the most. Pabst, music and horror movies, and I am not going to write a blog about PBR. Hell then you would just think I am some sort of weird drunk. Plus it would only be about one post long. For the music side of things I have some good friends that already blog and do pod-casts to cover that. That leaves horror movies. Once I narrowed it down to that, I didn't want to just write strictly about horror movies. First off, I am a horror movie fan… I would even go as far as saying a huge horror movie fan. But, I am not a movie critic is any way, shape or form. So, reading a blog filled with my uneducated critique of a movie would be a huge waste of everyone’s time. I needed a gimmick.

This past summer I went to my first horror convention, Flashback Weekend in Chicago, and while I was there I thought that experience would be cool to write about. But, then again it would only be about one blog long. During the convention I had the opportunity to meet Charles Band. At the time I didn't think much about it, other than it was cool to meet the man behind Full Moon.

I subscribe to HorrorHound magazine. For those of you that don’t know HorrorHound, it is the best horror magazine available, at least in my opinion. Every issue they do retrospectives on classic horror movies, and they always have a piece on old video companies from the ‘80s. Well, in the last issue they covered Empire Entertainment and Full Moon Entertainment, both of which came to be because of Charles Band. There was my gimmick. I would write my blog about Charles Band movies.

As I said before, I am not a movie critic. So, rather than just sitting down and writing a blog about a movie, I wanted to give a little more life. What I have decided to do, at least initially, is try to watch at least one Charles Band movie a week. Then I will write about the movie, and whatever else is going on at the time.

There, that’s my little introduction to me and my blog. My first real blog about Charles Band movies will be about The Evil Clergyman, that was supposed to be part of Pulse Pounders. Which I happened to see at Flashback Weekend. So, I will be including that experience I am sure.

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